DDS Vocational and Day Programs
EO Services DDS division is a contracted vendor with the State of Connecticut Department of Developmental Services to provide a variety of day and vocational supports including:
- Group Supported Employment - For Individuals who have goals that concentrate on vocational training and employment utilizing the assistance of a job coach on site
- Day Support Options - For individuals who have goals that does not place work as the central theme
- Individual Supported Employment - For those who have goals to maintain work in a competitively placed job in the community
EO Services operates a 22 acre farm in Bethlehem, CT. This farm is the home to 16 horses, 6 miniature horses, chickens, rabbits, peacocks, ducks, guinea pigs, goats and a cow. The farm includes a greenhouse and a pottery studio. Consumers have highly individualized programs - some include full days of vocational training and paid work that includes caring for the animals and learning farm maintenance and operation. Other individualized programs concentrate minimally on the vocational aspects of the program based upon the individual’s goals and abilities. Many individuals have blended programs of these two focus points. The farm program includes therapeutic horseback riding as well as the therapeutic use of animals in the remediation and remission of emotional and behavioral challenges.